wrapper – maranam

kadavulin maranam (Death of God)

கடவுளின் மரணம்  | kadavulin maranam (Death of God) by Karunai Ravi

Short Stories

$ 8 (CND)


கடவுளின் மரணம்  | kadavulin maranam (Death of God) by Karunai Ravi

Short Stories/Tamil

$ 8 (CND)

Karunai Ravi’s voice belong to the people whose only life companion for the last 30 years was the war. His well-crafted short stories accompany us into an unlived life, the cruel game that death played with life and the memories of the lost dreams. Born in a salty village in Jaffna, he takes us to his streets in the past that were soaked in blood and tears, with the heat, and salty smell of his village



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